Learn employability skills. Pass GCSE English and Maths. Free Course.
We Help young people and adults to overcome their barriers for employment free of charge. Get Free literacy, numeracy skills or missing qualifications to get employed. Overcome your barriers for employment such as literacy, numeracy skills or missing required qualifications.
Project Details
One of the biggest barriers for employment among young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds is lacking qualifications such as GCSE English and Maths. Many migrants and refugees who held qualifications from their home countries also struggle to get into their desired jobs due to lack of Language skills and proof of equivalency in GCSE English and Maths.
Research has shown that many young people and adults may have become disengaged from and have negative attitudes towards learning English and Maths, often through negative prior experiences, peer pressure or lack of support.
Our project aims to support the unemployed by improving their skillset in order for them to achieve their desired job role. We will provide training for 30 unemployed. We will group them with specific needs, and they will either study English targeting minimum level 2 and Functional Skills or GCSE English and Maths in their respective groups. The training will be 6 hours a week over 36 weeks and will take place both online and in our North Finchley Study Centre. The lessons will be delivered by our qualified teachers
In addition, we will offer a mentoring programme, and interventions to avoid low attendance, drop-offs, and low attainment. We will guide our students to take exams as external candidates in an exam centre and the costs will cover tuition, resources, and exams. The project will end with 2 weeks’ employability skills workshops such as CV writing and applying for jobs. For those who achieved their target, we will assist them further by helping them to either get into further education or a land a job role. The project is funded by ESFA.
Dates TBA – This program will start once we have enough applications
Who can apply?
You may be eligible if the following apply:
1) I am resident in London, I can provide an address proof
2) I have a work permit in the UK (As a citizen, dependent, refugee or other ways)
3) I am economically inactive; I am not working or in full-time education and I can prove this (e.g: letter from Universal Credit)
4) My level of English is A2(basic/beginner) or above
5) I am willing to apply for jobs or further education