OET (Occupational English Test) is an English Language test for healthcare professionals that is recognized by various regulatory healthcare bodies and is accepted as proof of English proficiency for visas, study, registration, and employment in the sector. Unlike other tests, the OET has been specifically designed for practitioners that need to test their English language proficiency in a healthcare-specific context. OET is trusted by regulators, hospitals, and universities in various countries, including the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Singapore, and Namibia.
OET provides a valid and reliable assessment for listening, reading, writing and speaking for doctors, nurses, dentists, dieticians, pharmacists, occupational therapists, vets, and other health and social care professions. Additionally, OET is the only test in which all content is related to the medical and healthcare industry. Listening will require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of health-related spoken materials (patient consultations, lectures, etc.) Reading will demonstrate the candidate’s ability to understand different types of text on health-related topics. Writing will assess the ability to analyze a healthcare letter (this may regard transfers, discharges, etc.). Speaking requires role-playing your desired job role and working with either a patient, client, patients relative, or carer.
Course Details
Our OET preparation course has been specifically designed for overseas qualified doctors and nurses that aspire to work in an English-speaking country. We will provide free resources, materials, and real-life scenarios for you to feel confident when undertaking the final exam. We will provide training for each assessment area (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) and will offer both technical and practical tasks.
The Course is set to commence 5th July 2021 and the timetable will be announced after registration has closed.
Sessions will take place weekly on Microsoft Teams for a duration of 15 weeks, 4 hours per week and students will be studying in groups delivered by our friendly and fully qualified teachers.
Eligibitily Criteria
✓ Oversees qualified Doctors and Nurses
✓ Doctor and Nurse students from abroad
✓ Those at B2 Level English (we can still support those at different levels)
FREE for the first two weeks’ if enrolled before 15th June. Subject to terms and conditions. Please register at your earliest convenience to secure your place. Fees include access to all OET course materials, resources and live sessions through dedicated Microsoft Teams account, detailed end-of-course progress report, and support from staff and supervisors. Minimum 12 hours of personal weekly study is recommended. The course is available throughout the year and can be taken multiple times. Different materials will be studied in each period.