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Whether you live in a busy city or out in the sticks, the benefits of cycling far outweigh alternative modes of transport. Being kind to both the environment and yourself starts from making little changes to your life and cycling should be at the top of your list. Here, we will explain a few reasons why cycling should be your newest priority.

Air pollution

Air pollution is everywhere we go and the rate of increase is quite alarming to say the least. Motorized transport vehicles such as cars, busses, and trains contribute to huge masses of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. By choosing to substitute your car journey for a more economical alternative can in fact contribute to a decrease in harmful toxins in our air.

Parking problems and traffic

Don’t you hate when you come home from a long day of work and you can’t find a parking place? How about when you go to the supermarket and spend a tedious amount of time circling the car park in order to find a spot? Cycling eliminates wasting time trying to find parking. Furthermore, traffic can be a nightmare, especially at peak hours. Designated cycle lanes and routes enable cyclists to ride safely and reach their desired destination at a faster pace than other, more traditional methods.

Physical health

Cycling is a great muscle workout, it uses all major muscle groups and causes less strain compared to other forms of exercise. Intensity can be monitored when cycling; providing either a light or more intense workout if desired. Cycling is also perfect for weight management for a multitude of reasons, it raises metabolic rate, builds muscle, and burns body fat. Research shows that a 30-minute bike ride every day will burn nearly five kilograms of fat over a year.

Decreases the chances of getting ill

By cycling you are decreasing the chance of experiencing health issues. Did you know that research in Finland found that people cycling for 30 minutes or more per day had a 40% lower risk of developing diabetes? Cycling also helps to reduce the risk of developing major complications. Regular cycling stimulates your heart, lungs and circulation, it also fights against cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attacks so taking a little time out of your day to cycle will only do you good in the long run.

There are many cycling schemes on offer, however the Bikeability certificate is one of the most desired for all ages. Bikeability is a government-recognized training scheme that offers practical skills and solutions in order to feel completely confident whilst cycling out in public. If you are interested in becoming Bikeability trained and certified through Axis Educational Trust, you can apply via. our website. For those aged 14 – 19, please visit our Getting Active project, if you are 16+ please visit Positive Spin.

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